
Soooooo smoothie

Most Monday mornings are difficult enough, but today was a challenge before we even got out of bed. Late, I might add. How we overslept with 4, yes FOUR, different alarms, I have no idea...but we did. Even Murphy was up and at us to get moving...

Once we did, I packed Maddy's requested lunch - which was a salad. Yes, a salad, with a Chobani Champion yogurt, granola bar, and veggie juice box. I think I may actually be doing something right. So what if I gave her a Cadbury Creme Egg after school???

Then, I handed Jason a homemade granola bar as he ran out the door to a very busy day!!!

And I made myself my Monday morning smoothie!  Today's smoothie consisted of baby spinach, kefir, skim milk, a 1/2 fresh banana, frozen pineapple, fresh champagne mango, vanilla whey protein powder, and ground flax.

I totally forgot the shredded unsweetened coconut which I put in this same smoothie last week. It is a MUST as today something was missing...and it took me too long to figure out what it was. But its a pretty shade of green!

Just like the outdoors! Too bad its such a damp and dreary day week... 
Let's see what tomorrow's smoothie brings!

I need your help! I'm trying to mix up my morning smoothies and am looking for suggestions!

What is your favorite smoothie to get the day started?

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