
Tonight's Remedy: good food and a nice cold Celtic...

Ahhh, the day is just about over...except that I still need to do our taxes!  But, that may have to wait until the weekend.  I am, by the way, an excellent procrastinator...

For now, let's talk foot and food.  But separately.  I am not a huge fan of feet...so it would be gross to talk about them together.

My foot it still killing me, but by the time I got the chance to call the Doc today...it was after hours.  I will totally call tomorrow, see the doc hopefully this week, and then head out to buy new sneakers!  So how do you combat that at the end of the work day?  

A nice cold beer while cooking!
Emma kept winding up a doll that plays one small snippit from "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling" while I cooked...it was appropriate, I suppose.  I do like smiling Irish eyes...

Dinner tonight was grilled lamb and goat chops from Springdell Farms, sauteed kale, and couscous. The meat and couscous recipes were from Tosca Reno's Eat Clean Diet Recharged. The kale was sauteed with olive oil, minced garlic, sea salt (which wasn't necessary), pepper and crushed red pepper flakes. Good, and quick!!

The sauteed kale was easy...took all of 3 minutes...and check out the steam!

My grill master.  They were cooked perfectly, despite the flames.  
He's just that hot!

Dinner is served...

Today's News flash: I resisted the urge to order one of Panera's chocolate chip cookies today while at a meeting in Newton Center. Unfortunately, I thought about that addicting chocolate the whole way home.  Man, there are times (many, many times) that I miss chocolate. I try to avoid the urge to reach out for it...and save it for a little treat. Its not easy to let it be, especially when its on my mind. Luckily, my bum foot won't impact my ability to do crazy amounts of sit ups. Sheesh. 

I'm going to go have some yogurt with flax seed and fruit before bed...

So proud, yet so sad...all at the same time.

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