
Up and at 'em

4:30am is very early.  In fact, its still dark outside.  Very dark.  And very cold.

But Jason and I are up, and we were at 4:30.  He headed outside to touch up the plowing and to clean off my car, so the least I could do was cook him breakfast and pack him a lunch...and since its THAT early...I also did some work, packed Maddy's lunch, got breakfast for the girls ready, and am writing this post!  Now, just a shower and some clothes and I am golden!

Today is a full day; full of work, fun, and probably some angst and other stuff.  I get to start my morning, well, later morning, with Kelly MacFarland who is the sweetest and funniest comedienne I've had the pleasure of knowing.  She has been such a fantastic partner in Go Red For Women here in Boston and around the country...and she is wonderful to work with to boot!  PS - she has a CD coming out at the end of the month and its on pre-sale on itunes.  Check her out - she will make you laugh so hard you tear up a bit.  I'm just saying...

So...what did we eat at this dark, cold time of day?  Something that will hopefully get me energized until I can get to my Starbucks!!!!  Egg whites, with sliced baby bellas, baby spinach, and a little goat cheese.  One of my all time favorite (and easy!) breakfasts!

Have a great day everyone! 

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